Monitoring, evaluation,
Our Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Practice generates robust and reliable evidence and insights that our clients use for a wide range of learning, performance improvement and accountability purposes.
We are a leading supplier of rigorous monitoring, evaluation, research and learning services and specialist advice to the FCDO, EU institutions, foundations, international organisations, and other donors. Our clients trust us to deliver high quality, useful and credible evidence and insights. We have particularly extensive experience in delivering large complex multi-country, multi-sector, multi-project programme monitoring, evaluation and learning programmes, for example as the FCDO’s Evaluation Supplier for the Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) Fund Phases I and II; the FCDO’s Evaluation and Learning Partner for the Prosperity Fund; BEIS Evaluation Supplier for the Newton Fund; the FCDO’s Third Party Monitoring Supplier for the Pan Africa Department; and CSSF West Africa MEL Supplier.
Our large core in-house team comprises MERL specialists and managers, providing our clients with highly flexible and responsive access to a wide range of expertise, skills, and experiences. Beyond our in-house team in Tetra Tech International Development Europe, we work closely with our Tetra Tech MERL colleagues in the USA, at Management Systems International (MSI), and in Australia and New Zealand. We frequently share best practice, learning and innovations from our respective MERL teams.
Through a highly collaborative global approach, we provide the geographical coverage and presence; national, regional, and international networks; and technical MERL expertise needed to robustly cover a wide range of international development sectors including education and adolescent girls; gender and empowerment; conflict, security and justice; humanitarian and emergency support; land reform and deforestation; infrastructure; urban development; transport; energy; climate change; water; biodiversity and conservation; livelihoods; employment and job creation; and private sector development.
Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning
Head of International Development
Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning
Multiple sectors & regions
We work in a range of developed and developing countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe, including many conflict-affected states.
Our dedicated EU team is a principal provider of evaluation and research services for the European Commission with offices in Brussels, London, Amsterdam, and Warsaw. After 35 years of working with nearly all Directorates-General (DGs), we have a deep understanding of the EU policy and programming environments. We work extensively through EU Frameworks covering communication, fisheries policy, transport and mobility, customs and taxation, development cooperation and foreign policy, health, research, education and culture, and employment.
Bespoke solutions
We work with stakeholders to understand the type of evidence required, by whom, when and for what use, so that our MERL solutions and products deliver the right data and analyses, at the right time, for the right purpose producing evidence that is reliable, meaningful, and useful.
Our services cover the whole programme and policy lifecycle, ranging from strategy, programme design and implementation to learning and evaluation, with particular expertise and experience in monitoring and evaluating large multifaceted, multicountry, and portfolio programmes.
Wide-ranging expertise
Our in-house MERL Practice consists of 35 experts including economists, Value for Money advisors, statisticians, quantitative analysts, qualitative researchers, MEL managers and digital solutions experts.
Our in-house digital solutions team enables us to develop and use innovative technology – e.g., portals, dashboards, and infographics – to meet our clients’ needs and make data accessible and functional. Our mobile data collection platform, COSMOS , supports real-time data collection, analysis and decision making. COSMOS was designed and built by our own in-house digital solutions team, giving us full control over its use and further development.