In 2022 an estimated 55 per cent of the Somali population lived below the national poverty line, according to the World Bank. With the ongoing conflict spanning almost three decades, Somalia today is one of the world’s poorest and most fragile states with very low human development indicators and ranking 49 of 52 in the Africa Sustainable Development Goals index.
The purpose of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s (FCDO’s) Somalia Monitoring Programme III is to build their understanding of poverty and development needs in Somalia by providing actionable learning to improve the design and delivery of programmes. It also serves to provide quality technical assistance (TA) to improve Implementing Partner (IP) monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and approaches. In doing so, the programme has two objectives:
- To ensure that the British Embassy Mogadishu (BEM) has increased oversight and assurance of programme delivery and can hold partners to account and mitigate risk.
- To ensure that evidence of what works and what doesn’t work is available and facilitate the use of evidence in programme design and adaptation.
Our Tetra Tech team brings vast experience working in Somalia, including the FCDO-funded BORESHA programme as well as the gathering data for the evaluation of the flagship Girls’ Education Challenge.
Through SMP III, we are providing FCDO in Somalia with independent information about the progress of its programmes, how funds have been used, and whether programmes are compliant with policies such as data protection and safeguarding. This feedback is critical for FCDO to adapt and improve programmes, to manage risks, to learn lessons about what does and does not work, and why.
SMP III fulfils these objectives through five interconnected and mutually reinforcing workstreams (WS). These workstreams are a) WS1 – Verifications, b) WS2 – Learning and Change, c) WS3 – Rapid Research; d) WS4 – Monitoring, and Evaluation Technical Assistance (M&E TA), and e) WS5 – Knowledge Management.
Our flexible and systematic approach allows us to address the client’s needs with rigor and at the right time, whilst helping ensure the UK can effectively achieve its immediate and long-term strategic goals to drive economic growth, health and stability in the region.
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, UK