Our team’s approach to the monitoring and evaluation of communications and communication-related activities has been developed and fine-tuned over many years, working across a wide range of policy areas covering all the EU Member States, candidate countries and member countries of EFTA.
How to communicate with the desired effect is a complex, multifaceted challenge faced by all public and private sector entities. But for the European institutions, bodies, and agencies this challenge is best summed up as how to bring the EU closer to its citizens. We have a dedicated expert EU team that offers a unique combination of evaluation expertise and communication experience, supported by world-class experts. We are passionate about communication, and we have a deep and genuine interest in helping the European institutions and bodies to find ways to communicate better and more efficiently with their audiences.
Project highlights
Evaluating DG ECFIN’s communication activities
The EU’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, DG ECFIN, develops and puts into practice the European Commission’s policies promoting economic growth, higher employment and stable public finances.
In 2023, we completed an evaluation of the external communication activities DG ECFIN carried out in the EU Member States from 2017 to 2021. Providing a robust, evidence-based evaluation, we shared practical lessons that helped DG ECFIN refine and elaborate on its future communication activities.
Evaluating DG Communication’s approach to prizes
On behalf of the Directorate-General for Communication, our team carried out a detailed review of the European Commission’s approach to awarding prizes. This evaluation covered all prizes managed by the European Commission and its agencies.
Through our support, the Directorate-General improved the understanding and impact of its prizes both in the broader EU landscape, as well as internationally. We further gave practical advice on the prizes’ design and strategic approach to seize their full potential and maximise their communication impact.
Reviewing the European Institute of Innovation & Technology’s communication strategy
We provided an external assessment of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology’s (EIT) communication strategy (2018-2020). The assessment focused on the performance of the EIT’s communication concept, vision, mission and objectives.
Our review included over 30 specific recommendations for potential improvements, drawing on interviews, a web survey and a digital assessment of the EIT’s website and social media presence. Through our experts’ practical guidance, the EIT was able to redefine its communication objectives, whilst also improving its website and social media activities.
Study on political advertising across the EU
Resilient democracies are the backbone of a strong and functioning European Union. Our experienced team supported the EU in preparing an EU instrument that can address the threats of interference in elections by making political advertising more transparent.
We examined recent political campaigns in five EU Member States and one non-EU country, providing the European Commission with an in-depth understanding and evidence of existing challenges as well as varying policy measures that are already in place. We also produced an analysis of a potential intervention at EU-level in order to regulate political advertising, combat disinformation and increase the resilience of democracy in the EU.