MERL European institutions

Transport and mobility – European institutions

by Jana.Stupperich • 22 March 2023

We support the development of modern, efficient and integrated transport facilities in Europe. Our team brings a high level of specialisation and experience in […]

Monitoring systems – European institutions

by Jana.Stupperich • 22 March 2023

Our team provides clients with robust monitoring systems across policy areas, including fisheries and aquaculture, communications, environment, external action and international development […]

Health and food safety – European institutions

by Jana.Stupperich • 22 March 2023

The European Union sets an objective of a high level of human health protection in the definition and implementation of all its policies and activities. To reach this […]

External action and international development – European institutions

by Jana.Stupperich • 22 March 2023

We work with European institutions and bodies to monitor and evaluate progress and achievement of their priorities in relation to external cooperation […]

Consumers, justice, migration and home affairs – European institutions

by Jana.Stupperich • 22 March 2023

We design and deliver innovative monitoring and evaluation systems, impact assessments and related policy support services that contribute to strengthening government […]

Communications and digital – European institutions

by Jana.Stupperich • 22 March 2023

Our team’s approach to the monitoring and evaluation of communications and communication-related activities has been developed and fine-tuned over many […]

Climate and environment – European institutions

by Jana.Stupperich • 22 March 2023

The European Union is one of the front runners when it comes to championing climate change mitigation and environmental protection. Monitoring […]

Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture – European institutions

by Jana.Stupperich • 22 March 2023

The EU is committed to the sustainable development of fish and aquatic plant farming, ensuring that the Member States comply with strict requirements for […]