Governance, security & justice

The Governance, Security & Justice team works in some of the world’s most complex and fragile environments.

We bring our expertise and experience to design and deliver innovative, contextually sensitive programmes that help strengthen central and local government institutions, improve public financial management, reduce corruption, increase access to justice and combat violence against women and girls. We work closely with governments, communities and non-governmental organisations to reduce conflict, increase resilience, improve security and promote the principles of good governance: transparency, accountability and citizen participation.


Director, Governance, Security & Justice

Institutional integrity

We work with governments and civil society at local, regional and national levels, to develop processes and systems that are context specific, efficient, accountable and sustainable. We help institutions to build their capacity, to develop sustainable governance structures, and build the local leadership skills that can drive real progress.

Locally-led transitions

We work with local stakeholders to help shape their own development. We help to build the local skills to support change and draw on global expertise to ensure each solution fits its environment. We develop key governance reform agendas that support local partners to remove governance constraints to service delivery and improve institutional effectiveness.

Measurable results

Our results-based monitoring and evaluation systems ensure programmes both achieve their objectives and can adjust to lessons learned and dynamic situations. Our analysts and programme managers have undertaken research, developed policy and delivered solutions on more than 350 projects around the world.

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