Making sense of the census: counting the population of Somaliland and why it is important
Making sense of the census: counting the population of Somaliland and why it is important In the face of nearly [...]Smart Spending: The role of Value for Money tracking in Somalia’s development
Smart Spending: the critical role of Value for Money tracking in Somalia's development As the Third-Party Monitoring and Learning partner [...]Talking climate finance across Nigeria
Talking climate finance across Nigeria At the end of May, the UKNIAF project convened a roundtable event with Nigeria’s Governor’s [...]International Women’s Day 2024: How REINVENT works to #InvestInWomen
#IWD2024: Investing in a woman is investing in a nation The United Nations estimate that an additional $360 billion is [...]Two years on: our view on Ukraine and progress amid conflict
Two years on: our view on Ukraine and progress amid conflict Saturday, February 24 marks two years since Russia invaded [...]International Day of Education 2024: leaving no girls behind
International Day of Education 2024: the ongoing impact of the Girls' Education Challenge Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of [...]World Cities Day 2023: Working Towards Sustainable Inward Investment in Kenya’s Intermediary Cities
World Cities Day 2023: Working Towards Sustainable Inward Investment in Kenya's Intermediary Cities On today’s World Cities Day, Tetra Tech [...]Protected: Third-Party Monitoring: Three Lessons on Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
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